Sunday, September 25, 2011

First Bike Ride

Too cool for you...

Today is September 25th, the 19 month mark for Max, and his very first bike ride! It was 100+ degrees again outside today (after nearly a week of cooler temps) but we braved the heat this evening to try out Mom's new bike with a very awesome seat for Max. He sits up front, attached to the handle bars in a very comfy Dutch designed baby seat. You can see the specs here at REI if you're interested in this sturdy engineered bike seat option for your little ones. It's called a YEPP Mini. They also make a larger one for the back.

Mama's new bike with a seat for me!

A big special thanks and We Love You, Daddy, for buying Mama a new bicycle (Schwinn for the win!) that's comfy, sturdy and safe for Max to ride on around town!

Stylin' in my helmet and shades

Here is the awesome Schwinn World 21 bicycle Mom got yesterday. Great end of summer deals at Performance Bicycles.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Our Little Garden

The view looking out from our back door
We're finally getting settled in our new apartment. It's been about a week, and I'm so far behind on my blog, I'll be back-blogging stuff from weeks past playing catch up so check back often for July and August updates I failed to upload!

One of the main selling points for the apartment that convinced me it was the perfect little habitat for Max and I was this awesome fenced in patio garden.

The owner (its actually a privately owned apartment building) had some custom built flower boxes and benches put in that are very nice. She encouraged me to rejuvinate and plant new things. I'm looking forward to it.
The opposite view, towards the back door, with Max!

There's a blue bench seat with flower box, and a blue rain-catcher barrel with faucet attached to the downspout so we can re-use rain water ... ok well providing it ever RAINS here again! ;)

She put some pea gravel down, and some tiles and loose rocks, but I think it needs some softening up and beautification. Maybe a small bubbling fountain, some greenery along the base of the flower boxes...

Nice custom made flower boxes, and artistic tile stones
I could use some help on ideas for fall planting in Texas (hint hint Uncle Russ!).

The flower beds get partial sun throughout the day, but they are somewhat shallow so I have to water frequently especially with the record 100+ temps and drought here.
Maximus 'digs' his garden!

Max is very happy with his own little shady outdoor play area. He likes to sit and dig in the pebbles (pea gravel). Every day he gets his bucket and stands by the door. He knows the front door means 'go to the playground' and the back door means 'go out in the garden' so he's particular about which one he wants.

Finally, for the comedy component, here's a video interview I did of Max on the back patio - he will tell you how much he likes his new place, and a short tour of our garden... enjoy!