Monday, February 28, 2011

A little background about The Maximus

Maximus did not come to Austin native born, but he should have! If our lives had turned upside down just six months earlier, he would have probably been born here. But that's ok because if we'd come to Austin sooner, he might not have been born at all. Mama would probably still be on skates bustin' girls down on the flat track since Austin is known to be the 're-birthplace' of roller derby. I skated for 3 years in Memphis. Hung up my skates and made a baby!

But this is about Maximus. (I will probably digress a lot in this blog, so do realize its about Mom's adventures in Austin too)

Maximus came into the world in an unusually snowy, blustery February of 2010 in Memphis Tennessee. The weather was extraordinary for Memphis. This was fitting for a Welcome-to-the-World celebration for Max!

The winter wonderland outside our window a week before Max was born

I guess we should have known our world would never be the same considering the 'storm' Max caused upon his birth. While it was blustery outside - I labored away inside. It was a full month earlier than Max was supposed to arrive. We learned early on Max does things his way. Always...

Here is where I had hoped to give birth to our little Max, but he had other ideas...

Max birth aftermath looks so peaceful (deceptive like that winter scene)...

An exhausting labor and emergency hospital transfer ended up with a miraculously healthy birth for Mama and baby. Our tiny 6 pound tiger had arrived Max style!

And so began the adventures of Maximus into the world. Shortly after he was born, we began traveling. First a trip to Ohio (twice) for family affairs and a job change after Daddy lost his job in Memphis. This became a blessing in disguise too and freed us from the chains of Memphis that bound us.

This is when all the adventure started for Max... (2-3 mo. old)

We spent some time up in Ohio living part-time with my Mother, and part-time in a crazy 40 foot long Bluebird Motorcoach we bought. Somehow we thought living in a bus with two surly teenagers and a cranky baby would be a 'great experience' we'd all never forget. Well that last part was true at least... we'll never forget it!

The "Gadget" - home away from home

Sunset over the Mississippi as we head out of Memphis southward...

Mom and Max (and the rest of the Monkeypaw kids) spent awhile back in Memphis, packing up our belongings for the long haul southward to Austin, TX where Daddy was starting a new job and we were starting a new life in a new city. 

Here's the Max Family! ...

"Nox" - Daddy

Max & Mama in Memphis before we left for Austin (June 2010)

'Big Brother' Jake (16)

'Big Sister' Emily (13)

'Big Brother' Sebastian (12)

'Big Sister' Lily (10)

'Big Brothers' Sebastian (12) and Lazarus (7) - on the road in the Gadget

Max has a really big family of brothers and sisters. Sadly we would leave behind half of them in Memphis with their other parents when we headed down to Austin (we're both remarried with kids from previous). We miss them and see them on holidays. :)

We arrived in Austin in early September, 2010. Life was pretty limited at first, since we had no money and were living in a rental house knowing nothing about our new city and home. But Max always made the best of it...

Out partying at Mozart's on a chilly October evening (6 months)

A playpen made of boxes of stuff and learning to crawl (7 months)

A white tiger for Halloween (7 months)

Starting to explore the great outdoors (well, the limits of the yard anyways)! - 9 months old

First Christmas - toys from Grandparents (10 months)

Making a first friend (Seamus) 11 months old

First Birthday - February 25th, 2011

And so passed our first six months in Austin and the first year in the life of Max. Quietly, with some sadness and happiness combined. We said good-bye to loved ones (kids and friends) and some we said good bye to forever. My sister Amanda passed away that year too. 2010 was a year of ups and downs - but we have survived it and moved on to bigger and better adventures in Austin!

My sister Amanda. Loved and missed.

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